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Monday, January 18, 2010

How Does an Evolution world view Impact the Value of Life

How does an evolution worldview or a creation worldview impact the way that human life is valued?


Those who subscribe to the evolutionary world view may have difficulty determining purpose or may not consider human life only as valuable as it pertains to world as a whole, because of their belief that the origin of the world was not designed, but instead was an accidental or random occurrence. The value of human life is left to the understanding and will of one who does not see himself as a part of a world that has both an origin and a destiny or ending. It is up to that person to determine the value of a human life. For example, few evolutionists are pro-lifers as it pertains to abortion, or do not have an issue with stem cell research or capital punishment. However that does not mean that evolutionists are totally unable to see the value of human life or that all evolutionist share the same views of abortion, stem cell research or other human values issues. Those who subscribe to the creation worldview may have an easier time valuing a single human life as purposed individual with destiny within the Creator's overall plan for the earth. A person who recognizes that their value lies within the plan of a creator who determines the beginning and end of earth's history understands that their life will be judged against the expected outcome that the creator intended for their particular life.

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