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Monday, January 18, 2010

Junk DNA

It amazes me that evolutionist use the most manipulatively, transparent excuses to back up their weak alternative to the origin of earth. Instead of being objective in their evaluation of the data, they make up shallow superficial arguments and falsely present them as hard evidence to support their theory. One of these superficial arguments circulates around what is referred to as Junk DNA. Junk DNA is actually not junk but it represents fragments of DNA and RNA found in human cells, which at first glance seem to serve no function rather they replicate within the cell but are not part of the chromosomes themselves itself.
The fascinating thing about these DNA fragments is that because they seem to show no significance within the cell and were once thought to remain dormant therefore they have been dubbed
“Junk DNA.” Evolutionists once said that because its dormancy and uselessness, Junk DNA actually represented unused traits that were left over throughout evolution as humans transitioned from previous life forms until the present. These gene represent trait which are no longer needed within the cell of humans. They say that these genes represent what was abandoned through the process of natural selection.
What junk DNA is in actuality, according to new scientific discovery, are DNA material that aid in gene sequencing and replication. These fragments actually are essential to the development of DNA within the cell. The caption under the video Junk DNA- Another Failed Prediction of Evolutionists reads,

“In June 2007, a[n] international team of scientists, named ENCODE, published a study that indicates the genome contains very little unused sequences and, in fact, is a complex, interwoven network. This "complex interwoven network" throughout the entire DNA code makes the human genome severely poly-constrained to random mutations (Sanford; Genetic Entropy, 2005; page 141). This means the DNA code is now much more severely limited in its chance of ever having a hypothetical beneficial mutation since almost the entire DNA code is now proven to be intimately connected to many other parts of the DNA code.” (Junk DNA - Another Failed Prediction Of Evolutionists 2008)

So, it becomes very obvious that the evidence that evolutionist can use to support their theory is eroding. What they once held as junk to support their theory pulls the foundation for neo-Darwinism. All parts of the cell are ordered and have a specific purpose to keep human cells as human cells. Our Creator is awesome and every molecule obeys his command like the day he created them. Our God did not make junk, instead he made us humans and every part of us to ensure that we remain
"Junk DNA - Another Failed Prediction Of Evolutionists ." Google Video. August 07, 2008. (accessed February 19, 2009).
The Institute for Creation Research. "Junk DNA - The Evolutionists Hope." Google Video. August 2007. (accessed February 19, 2009).


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